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Gateway-Brown's Creek
Trail Association
 Your Active Voice In The Trail's Development




04/12/2014 9:00 AM | GBCTA (Administrator)
Combine your love of biking and hiking the Trail and nature watching. Join the new Gateway Trail Bluebird Recovery Group to help check houses along the trail from Pine Point Park to Jamaca Ave.

We are looking for people who would enjoy weekly monitoring of a set of bluebird houses for the spring and summer months. Bird houses, training and materials will be provided. Because this is a commitment of weekly monitoring there will be a system of support when members go on vacation or need to miss their monitoring times.

See the Bluebird Recovery Program of Minnesota website  for more information. You are welcome to attend their Spring Expo Saturday , April 12. See the sign up on their web page. To join this project contact Carolyn Baird at
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