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Gateway Brown's Creek
Trail Association
 Your Active Voice In The Trail's Development



News & Project Updates

News and Projects about the Gateway & Brown's Creek Trails.

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  • 06/29/2024 10:44 AM | Beth Hayden (Administrator)
    Whether you're a casual photographer or a tenured professional, your photos of Minnesota's trails and parks could be a prize winner. Submit your top photos to the Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota annual photo contest for a chance to shine a spotlight on the places you visit and love.
  • 06/29/2024 10:33 AM | Beth Hayden (Administrator)

    Do you have an acumen for accounting? Do you live along the Gateway Trail in St. Paul? - Do you enjoy the Gateway and Brown's Creek Trails?

    We're currently seeking board candidates for the following roles. An outline of responsibilities can be found below.

    • Treasurer
    • Liaison to the communities surrounding the St. Paul portion of the Gateway Trail

    If you would like to learn more about either of these roles, please contact



    • Facilitate payment of invoices and reimbursement of receipts
    • Accept memberships and donations and log into GBCTA database
    • Prepare quarterly financial summaries
    • Participate in monthly executive committee and quarterly full board meetings



    • Trail user and supporter
    • Basic computer skills including Excel
    • Willingness to learn basics of membership database
    • Experience with not-for-profit finance would be beneficial. 


    Board Member (Gateway West)


    • Along with other board members manage the business, property and affairs of the association 
    • Actively participate in outreach and engagement  
    • Attend quarterly meetings, scheduled events and ad hoc activities.
    • Support new and existing programs with an emphasis on the west side of the Gateway Trail (Maplewood to St. Paul) 


    • Trail user and supporter
    • Advocate for trail usage among all demographics
    • Previous Non-profit experience a plus, but not essential.  

  • 06/29/2024 10:00 AM | Beth Hayden (Administrator)

    On May 18, longtime trail champion, volunteer, and birder, Bob Bystrom, organized two birding outings along the Gateway and Brown's Creek Trails. The group saw an amazing number of birds, despite rainy conditions.

    See below for the complete lists of birds observed that day.

    25 species were counted at the Brown's Creek Preserve

    • American crow

    • American robin

    • Baltimore oriole

    • Black-capped chickadee

    • Brown-headed cowbird

    • Canada goose

    • Common grackle

    • Common yellowthroat

    • Gray catbird

    • House wren

    • Mallard

    • Marsh wren

    • Mourning dove

    • Northern cardinal

    • Northern Flicker

    • Orchard oriole

    • Red-winged blackbird

    • Ring-necked pheasant

    • Sandhill crane

    • Song sparrow

    • Sora

    • Tree swallow

    • Turkey vulture

    • White-breasted nuthatch

    • Wild turkey

    43 species of birds were observed on the Gateway Trail

    • American crow
    • American goldfinch
    • American redstart
    • American robin
    • Baltimore oriole
    • Barn swallow
    • Black-capped chickadee
    • Black & white warbler
    • Blue jay
    • Brown-headed cowbird
    • Canada goose
    • Chestnut-sided warbler
    • Common loon
    • Common yellowthroat
    • Double-crested cormorant
    • Downy woodpecker
    • Eastern kingbird
    • Eastern towhee
    • Gray catbird
    • Great blue heron
    • Green heron
    • Great crested flycatcher
    • Hooded merganser
    • House finch
    • House wren
    • Mallard
    • Nashville warbler
    • Northern cardinal
    • Northern waterthrush
    • Ovenbird
    • Red-bellied woodpecker
    • Red-eyed vireo
    • Red-winged blackbird
    • Sandhill crane
    • Scarlet tanager
    • Sng sparrow
    • Song sparrow
    • Song sparrow
    • Swamp sparrow
    • Tennessee warbler
    • Turkey vulture
    • White-breasted nuthatch
    • White-throated sparrow
    • Wood duck
    • Yellow warbler

  • 06/29/2024 8:16 AM | Beth Hayden (Administrator)
    Volunteers joined the GBCTA this spring to plant thirty new trees around the recently reconstructed Westminster Bridge segment of the Gateway Trail. See photos from the day on our Gallery page.
  • 06/06/2024 5:57 PM | Beth Hayden (Administrator)

    National Trails Day is an annual event held the first Saturday of June each year. It is sponsored by the American Hiking Society and supported by The National Park Service. Last year more than 70,000 people participated in the National Trails Day across the country!

    Each year the Gateway Brown’s Creek Trail Association supports the day with tabletop displays along the 26 miles of the trail, providing information about the trial system, expansion plans, snacks and beverages for the folks using the trail that day.

    This year the weather did not start out cooperating with getting out early on the trials for activity. However, around noon the sun finally came out and many more bikers, skaters, walkers, and runners were out making great use of the path!

    Many folks that stopped by to visit were training for Grandma’s Marathon or the MS 150 ride with many miles already done for the day with more to go! Thanks very much to everyone who stopped by to visit with us this year!

    See photos from the day here.

  • 05/16/2024 10:59 AM | Beth Hayden (Administrator)

    Check out this recent article by the Gazette on habitat restoration work along Brown's Creek, plus a new access spur trail.

    Brown’s Creek Restoration map

  • 03/15/2024 2:38 PM | Beth Hayden (Administrator)

    As the election season draws near, it's a good time to remember that election signage is not allowed on public lands. Adjacent private landowners are within their rights to post, but public lands are neutral.

    If you see election signage on any Minnesota trail property, please feel free to remove it. Thank you.

  • 03/09/2024 7:43 AM | Beth Hayden (Administrator)

    This past year, thanks to contributions from GBCTA members, the Association made a significant investment in a new brush cutter for trail clearing. It was a long process to find a good brush-cutter at an appropriate price. But the DNR did! And it's doing it's job on the trails.

  • 02/01/2024 8:08 AM | Beth Hayden (Administrator)
    Check out this recent article by the Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota to learn more about ebikes in Minnesota.
  • 01/15/2024 8:28 AM | Beth Hayden (Administrator)

    This year's Candlelight Hike not only includes the beautiful serenity of a 1 mile candlelit hike in the quiet of a winter woodland - there will also be food!

    The Eggroll Queen and the Brick Oven Bus will be available for guests who would like to purchase some warm and tasty noshes while enjoying the evening.

    Jan 26, 5-8 pm, 8698 75th St N Stillwater, MN 55082. Parking at Wildwood Elementary School.

    Find details about the event here.

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